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Download SP3 KOB for WWII RKKA Includes Soviet Naval Infantry.
Download SP3 KOB for Soviet/Modern Russian Army. This updated KOB includes Naval Riflemen, improved Spestnaz, and adds Naval Spetsnaz, 2S19 DPICM and a T-94. (Armed with a 135mm gun and adding improved fire control.) Also, Russian names and Russian weapons designations have been added to certain weapons and aircraft.
Download Modern French KOB for SP3. Includes: VAB VCI T-20 : the APC, but fitted with a 20mm AA gun, targeting, etc. Initially built to protect artillery, it was effectively used againt Lybia (one of the main advantages of the VAB is that it is air mobile); P4 VLTT: a Peugeot utility that replaced the jeeps and that other French jeep-like command cars. This KOB is used for these Russo-French scenarios. This KOB was developed by Vincent Roiron. Additional information is on a text file included.
Download SP3 Scenario;Russo-Iranian Wargame Project Game #1 "Fire Birds: Air Assault" This scenario is an ultramodern scenario set in the mountains of northern Iran. A Russian Air Assault Brigade attempts to seize a heavily defended bridge in preparation to an invasion. Included in the file are separate orders for the Russian and Iranian commanders. This game has been tested against the AI set to 200. It is a revised game which uses Naval Spetsnaz units, which as modified, actually act like elite special forces.
Download SP3 Scenario; Russo-Iranian Wargame Project Game #2 "The Mailed Fist: Russian Advance" A reinforced Russian Motorized Rifle Regiment of 4th Shock Army attacks an Iranian Army position at the border. This scenario assumes Iran has had several days to move forces up to the border.
Download SP3 Scenario; Russo-Iranian Wargame Project Game #3 "The Gauntlet: Russian Advance" About 10 kilometers west, a Russian battlegroup is tasked with a recon mission in the area of an Iranian Light Infantry Brigade.
Download SP3 Scenario; Russo-Iranian Wargame Project Game #4 "The Crossroads: Russian Advance" In the 40th Army sector, a reinforced Russian battlegroup launches an offensive to take a crossroads deep inside Iran. Light Infantry and mechanized infantry are defending. This scenario has been tested with the AI set to 200.
Download SP3 Sudan Scenario #1. A combined Libyan/Russian Assault group tries to take an oil complex in the Sudan defended by French Parachute, Legionaires and Airmobile Armor troops This Scenario has been tested by two live players only. It is strongly recommended to use the French kob above.
Download SP3 Scenario: "Konstanjevica" I bought the book "Battlezones: Scenarios for Ultra Modern Period" about five years ago when it was already more than 10 years old, by a British author names Bruce Rea Taylor. This scenario is taken from a hypothetical WWIII scenario which takes place in Yugoslavia between a US Marine Brigade Combat Team, and the covering forces of a Soviet Motorized Rifle Division, 72nd MRD. This game has been tested as the Soviet player, and it is quite challenging.
Download SP3 Scenario: "Paybacks are Helsinki" This scenario is a rework of one I found at the Wargamer, involving a surpise attack on finland by a Russian Shock Army. This scenario assumes the Shock Army commander actually knows what he is doing and adjusts his force mix accordingly.
Download EFII Scenario: Yushkovo. On 2 December 1941, Yeremenko the commanding the 33rd Soviet Army was ordered to mount a counterattack in the area of Yushkovo, southeast of Tula. 25 Turns.
Download EFII Scenario. This scenario depicts a German Infantry Regiment stretched to its limits to defend and hold a road system near Moscow against rifle and ski troops, December 1941.
Download EFII Scenario: Akhimovka. A Russian Guards Mechanized unit builds up for an offensive northwest of Kharkov, August 1943.
Download EFII Scenario: Rostov. The First
Battle of Rostov was one of the early true operational victories of the
RKKA, but it came as a very high price
Download EFII Scenario: Radzymin. This is one of the best 'home-made' EFII scenarios I have ever played. A genuine melee, written by Graf Zero, from Poland.
SP Camo project... The next four files were created as add-ons to SP2 and SP3. This button satisfies the licensing requirements by providing a link back to the SP Camo's new location. These files are truly must have for SP2 & SP3. The renderings of the vehicles are beautiful.
SP Camo project... The following files contain a complete repaint of all the BROWN AFV's , Aircraft, infantry and crews for the following countries: Libya, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, PLO, India, China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and, Afghanistan for SSI's Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles AND Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command:1939-1999........These files are interchangeable with both games.
SP Camo project... The following files contain a complete repaint of all the GREEN AFV's , Aircraft, infantry and crews for the following countries: USA,USMC,UnitedKingdom,France,Belgium,Netherlands,Norway,Australia,Canada,Denmark,Italy,Spain,Greece, Turkey,Pakistan,Israel,Gulf States,South Korea,South Vietnam,Taiwan & Japan for SSI's Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles AND Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command:1939-1999........These files are interchangeable with both games.
SP Camo project... The following files contain a complete repaint of all GRAY West German AFV's , Aircraft, infantry and crews for SSI's Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles AND Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command:1939-1999........These files are interchangeable with both games.
SP Camo project... These files contain the WWII Vehicle and Aircraft Icons for Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command:1939-1999. They are repainted versions of the original Icons that were released by SSI. They DO NOT contain any of the new OR reworked Icons that are in SP2WW2.
SP3 Windows Patch (sp3v1_01.exe)
KobHack Beta: A free utility for modifying units in SP3.
Front Line Campaign Files: Don't worry about
this if you are not a club member. :o)
SPMBT Scenario #1 Chad: Government Forces are
surpised by a rebel night attack in town. Reinforcements are on the
way. This file can be opened using Linux tar and gunzip utilities, or
by WinZip, but not by DOS Zip.
SPMBT Scenario #2 Chad: Government Forces attaack a Libyan position astride a crossroads. This file can be opened using Linux tar and gunzip utilities, or by WinZip, but not by DOS Zip.
TOAW 2 Scenario: This is a TOAW2 rendering of a Russian Iranian War.
MD5 This file contains a Windows executable for the MD5 input encoder