Chernarusian Naval Forces (CNF) Deployment

Headquarters (Kamenka)

Admiral Gorkov, Theater Commander

48 Headquarters, Signals, Support and Supply troops
5 UAZs
10 Ural trucks
3 Flower Class Corvettes

CNF Facility Security Detachment (Kamenka)
2 Marine Squards (24 Marines) (Provides troops for guards and base defense)
2 Marine Squards (24 Marines) (Admiral Gorkov's Personal Guard)

2nd Naval Aviation Lift Regiment (Kamenka) (-)
1st Squadron with 5 each MI-17 transports

Balota Coastal Aviation Detachment

1st Naval Aviation Regiment (Balota) (-)

1st Squadron each with 12 SU-25s

2nd Naval Aviation Lift Regiment (Balota) (-)
2nd Squadron with 5 each MI-17 transports (1 is Medevc bird)
1 squadron each with 4 AN-2 transports

10th CDF Truck Transport Regiment
20 Ural transport trucks, 4 command UAZs

Support Troops (Billeted in Balota)
36 Signals, Support and Supply troops (10 Air traffic specialists)

Naval Spetznaz Detachment
30 Naval Spetznaz effectives

CNF Facility Security Detachment (Balota)
2 Marine Squards (24 Marines) (Provides troops for guards and base defense)

Balota Flotilla

1 Naval Patrol Squadron (4 PBRs)
1 Naval Minelaying Squadron (4 large minelayers)
1 Naval Assault Boat Squadron (4 Assault Boats)

Support Troops (Billeted in Balota)
24 Signals, Support and Supply troops

Balota Flotilla Facility Security Detachment
2 Marine Squards (24 Marines) (Provides troops for guards and base defense)

Note: CNF Theater commander has one airmobile marine company (108 effectives aboard 12 MI-17s) at his disposal and ready to be deployed with 45 minutes anywhere in Chernarus